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Executive Producers 2018/19

My name is Kayvan, I was born and grew up in Cambridge and am just coming up to the end of my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science here at the University of Sheffield. Growing up, I've always been fascinated and puzzled by life's great mysteries and this spurred me on to take on my degree, one which has helped me to answer these questions! Learning about the newest discoveries in science is exciting and even more when I've become more able to understand them in their breadth. I'm excited by this new opportunity next year to expand my understanding and the prospect of sharing it with an audience!

Hello, my name is Katie and I am a Biomedical Science student at the University of Sheffield. Good friends, dogs and salted caramel ice cream are three simple ways to put a smile on my face, yet I love all things eccentric and a quirky topic of conversation will keep me chatting and engaged for hours. Being a woman of science is fascinating as it presents the opportunity to ask endless questions about the way life works, whilst investigating the answer often results in an infinite spiral of more questions. Our knowledge is limitless! I am so excited to explore and share intriguing topics with fellow science enthusiasts and life-ponderers at Eureka radio. After taking this year out in industry to work at a pharmaceutical company, I am ready to jump back into scribbling down lecture notes, scrambling to find a seat in the IC and putting on the headphones in the Eureka radio recording studio.

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